Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Office Moved :-(

Monday started off great! Billy and I went to see the scube but it failed. We still had so much fun listening to what Ethan and Amy were working on. For lunch Caitlin and I went to Dennys for lunch and the Hash browns were so delicious that I ate all of mine and hers. So Monday was great til now... We had to move our incredible office that Caitlin and I loved with a window and door and privacy to be anti social together to a storage room with Dan who swiped our cards when we started. Caitlin and I are kinda depressed because we had so much fun together in our own office and now we have to be quiet when we are both so talkitive together by nature. There are a few positives such as our own frigerator and microwave and we seem to be more productive.

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